"In Florence, Jeanne Lanvin gazed, transfixed, upon a Fra Angelico fresco. Its remarkably intense quattrocento Blue was to become her pet shade" ~Lanvin

 ~Lanvin 2011~

Jeanne Lanvin set up a Milliners boutique on the corner of rue Boissy D'Anglas and rue Du Faubourg St Honoré. She later opened her own House at the same location.

She began by making beautiful little fashions for her young daughter and muse, Marguerite Marie Blanche. These creations became so popular among the parents of her daughters friends, Jeanne created a Childrens department in 1908 and a year later became a full fledged fashion house.

~Lanvin Pearl and Grosgrain Necklace Via Harvey Nichols~

In 1911 Lanvin began creating wedding gowns and in 1926 she created Lanvin Fourrure and Lanvin Lingerie. The same year she was also named Chevalier of the Légion d'Honneur.

In 1946 Jeanne Lanvin passed away after starting the perfume and Lanvin Decoration departments with great success (Santa left me a little vintage Lanvin present under the tree this year ~sigh~)

Today, Alber Elbaz is the art director for the House of Lanvin and he is pure genius! I look forward to every feminine collection and the details are always exquisite.

A bit of vintage Lanvin for you~ A Gold embroidered Lanvin-Castillo dress modeled in the Theatre of Louis the XV in Versailles.

Best Wishes to you all for a happy, joyful, and successful New Year~ Cheers!


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