Meet my new obsession...

Hello My Children. Very pleased Den Mother Colleen here. Happy New Year to you all. So the husband won the TR contest for lamest Sherlock Holmes titles...and as a result I now own the first season of "Sherlock" and Doctor Who Series 5...I was originally more excited about getting the newest season of Doctor Who. Cuz it was fucking awesome! But then I watched the first 2 of the 3 episodes of Sherlock...and have discovered my newest obession... Benedict Cumberbatch...

Oh. My. Goddess. Boredlizzie was SO right about this actor. She described his voice as Alan Rickman-like...well it is, at least as being bloody sexy as all hell. I don't know much about the actor himself but the character he plays, though admittedly a bit goofy looking, could totally melt the panties off any woman he wants. Of course, this is pending on whether he wants women...and it has been suggested in the first episode that he may very well be gay.

Thus far I liked how they updated the charcter into the 21st century. There is the requisite 2 second observation and then knowing fucking everything about you, which goes hand-in-hand with Sherlock Holmes. But in addition, he loves using text messaging. Rather than injecting himself with cocaine, (his 2% solution, to quote the great Doyle) he uses nicotine patches, 3 of them, to help him think. Finally, he has described himself as, I quote, a high-functioning sociopath, which is a bit redundant because all sociopaths are high-functioning. That's what makes sociopaths so fucking terrifying. They are intelligent as all hell. I am going to assume that it means that he is aware of his condition and is aware that killing people is frowned upon. However, one police officer believes that its only a matter of time before the thrill of catching criminals will wear thin and Holmes will start killing.

Dr. John Watson, played by Martin Freeman is also awesome. Sometime soon I will do an entire review on the new series. So that is all for now! I'm gonna go finish watching the series now. Good Day to you All!

And speaking of's a great clip!

Yeah...I don't know what universe Molly lives in but her "boyfriend" is SO gay...


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