
Results are in, and StrawHat's Honorable Mention from the Quibbler Headline Contest has come from behind to win Dr. Smashy's (George's) coveted second TR shirt. There was a total of 19 votes, and I apologize if anyone had trouble seeing the poll--Blogger's got cyber-cooties or some shit.

Roland of the Tower started off strong with: PERVERTS HOLD VIGIL AS HERMIONE GRANGER'S 18TH BIRTHDAY DRAWS NEAR. He lead the pack for several days only to be overtaken by a single vote after topping off at 7.

Green Lambkin's DUMBLEDORE'S DUMBLEWHORES came in 3rd with a total of 4 votes, and finally, StrawHat took home the prize when his DUMBLEDORE AND GANDALF MEET FOR THE FIRST TIME, REALIZE THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON, PROCEED TO MAKE OUT scored 8 votes.

So, Good work, StrawHat!

I'm afraid I don't know you personally, but come by anytime and join our community of merry wackjobs.

In honor of this occasion (and as a pitifully flimsy pretense to post more images of awesome boobage), here's a selection of Genderswap'd Harry Potter Cosplay Pics...Like this one:

This one's adorable--but the more..."ample" ones are after the jump (just thought you folks deserved the option--perhaps not all my readers are as keen on HP cosplay cleavage as I am)


He Who Must Not Be Scoot


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