America! FUCK YEAH!

Hello My Children. Your Den Mother here is very proud to be an American today. And as a New Yorker, this news is doubly awesome. Osama Bin Laden has finally been taken down. Multiple shots to the head, specifically, thanks to a covert ops by Navy Seals.

Amia says: Thanks Navy Seals!

As mentioned, I'm a New Yorker. My parents both grew up in the city -one in Washington Heights, the other in Inwood. So as jubilant as the nation is, this news is even more dear to us residents. On 9/11, I went to school to find a television in the hall of the social science building broadcasting the images that are forever burned in my memory. I remember the sheer number of cell phones that were out as children desperately tried to reach their family members. I remember the ballerina who screamed as the second tower came down -incidentally, she lost both her parents in the attack. My cousin worked at the World Trade Center -not in the towers but the building across the street. For those who don't know the WTC is made up of a compound of buildings, not just the towers. She was one of those people you saw running away from the towers, covered in debris. One of my other cousins is a stock broker and lost a lot of friends, including his closet friend and the best man at his wedding. My brother, a brick mason who works down in the City, saw the planes fly overhead. He walked almost 100 blocks to get to my grandmother's apartment to stay for the night, as all the bridges and trains were shut down. For the rest of the world, it was something to watch on TV in horror. For New York, it was our reality.

I want to say this: I am not proud of the direction this country took in the war on terror. Bush was out of line taking on Hussein when he had no involvement. It was appalling that trillions of dollars were spent on Iraq, but they couldn't even get the man who began it all. But today that wound can finally heal.

I give my heartfelt thanks to the team who conducted the raid. I Thank You. New York Thanks You.

And because this ended up being so damn serious I must leave on a light note. This song, a children's song no less, seems weirdly appropriate for the occasion. Its so damn infectious, I find it impossible to be in a bad mood after hearing it.

My babysitting job, Cecilia, loves this song by the way.

PS: Best thing I found on internet regarding Bin Laden killing... From Texts from Last Night. Very appropriate btw since it pretty much includes everything Muslim Extremists hate.

"Now one day I will be able to tell my children how a drag queen in a gay bar told Mommy that Bin Laden was dead."

America. Fuck Yeah.


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