Mea Culpa Liz!

Hello My Children. Den Mother Colleen here on a lovely Mother's Day Morning. Well for the past week I've been mad busy so I had little time to address a comment that one of my fave gals of TR posted on my "I'm not that Shallow" article. Boredlizzie said she was a bit disappointed that I didn't give descriptions of the females of whom I posted pictures. She had a valid point. The truth was that I was a) emphasizing my shallowness when it comes to the ladies I like and b) I was also really tired when I was finishing the article and just didn't feel like looking up quotes for them.

For You Boredlizzie: Fully clothed images, Character descriptions and quotes of my fave hot babes! And Sorry!

Amanda Tapping of Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Sanctuary. In all three shows she plays a brilliant scientist and a total badass. I guess that's her 'thing'. From the first moment she appeared I knew I would adore her for all eternity. And this was before I even realized I liked women in that way. She also can totally snark with the best of them. So here goes the quotes from 3 series:

1) And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside and not the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. (Children of the Gods, the first ep of Stargate SG-1)
2) Daniel, find me an anthropologist that dresses like this and I will eat this headdress.
3) For the record, I hate you. (To Rodney McKay)
4) Were you this annoying when you ascended? (To Daniel Jackson)
5) Col. Caldwell: Colonel.
Col. Ellis: Colonel.
[They turn to Carter]
Col. Caldwell: Colonel.
Col. Carter: Colonels.
[They turn to Sheppard]
Col. Ellis: Colonel.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Colonels.
Dr. McKay: [grimacing] Seriously?
I know, that wasn't very snarky from Carter, but I did love this exchange. Very whose on first.
6) Will Z: I profile criminals, not monsters. Magnus: You can't see the irony of that statement?
7) There's an expression among creature hunters, if you could teach a lion English, you still wouldn't be able to understand him.
8) I have standards, Will. Drinking coffee? Well below them.
9) Stop doting on me, it makes my teeth itch.
10) Helen Magnus: Granted, but it wasn’t their choice. They may be rich, spoiled, insolent children, But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t save them.
[Kate and Will look at each other skeptically.]
Helen Magnus: That’s a terrible sales pitch.
11) Tesla: Well, well, well, the appetizers have arrived. Magnus: Well, this is the last time I come to your rescue.

Thank you Amanda for being awesome. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pare down 3 series???

Eliza Dushku, who was totally awesome as Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now she has been in other things, but Faith, in my opinion was her best role. And man she got her bitch on in well as homicidal mania! Not to mention she was the opposite side of Buffy's coin. And I loved her!

1) Always...I could eat a horse. Ain't it crazy how slaying just always makes you hungry and horny?
2) Faith: New Watcher? Buffy & Giles: New Watcher. Faith: Screw that.
3) Wesley: (About Cordelia) My. She's cheeky, isn't she? Faith: Uh, first word: Jail. Second Word, Bait.
4) Faith: [in Buffy's body] 'Cause I could do anything I want and instead I choose to pout and whine and feel the burden of Slayerness. I mean, I could be rich, I could be famous. I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even dreamed of. I could squeeze you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more. And you know why I don't? [mockingly] Because it's wrong.
5) (To Buffy) You're protecting vampires now? Are you the bad slayer now? (Pause) Am I thegood slayer now?
6) Buffy: That's one of the bad guys. Faith: You should make 'em wear a sign.
7) Faith: There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. we're not supposed to exist together.
Buffy: Also, you went evil and were killing people.
Faith: Good point. Also a factor.
Buffy: But you're right. I mean like...I guess everyone's alone but, being a slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
Faith: And no one else can feel it... Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
Buffy: Takes the edge off.
Faith: Comforting.

So Faith in a nutshell. Hot, badass, and funny as hell.

Cote De Pablo as Officer Ziva David in NCIS. Ziva was a Mossad agent that was sent to work with Gibbs's team on NCIS after the murder of Kate in the second season. She's gorgeous, also badass, as in can kill you with a paperclip (I'm starting to see a pattern here :) ) and makes the most awesome errors in English. And she loves to mess with Tony, the "hottie" of the show.

1) Ziva: Ziva David. Mossad. Tony: You're Israeli? Ziva: Very good. The way you made that connection. Mossad, Israeli. (From the moment they MET! Snark)
2) You might want to do something about your hair...its sticking up like a, that's not the word...a porcu...pig? (Tony looks at her funny) The little animal with the little spikies?!?
3) Ziva: Once he saw us at Norfolk, he must have taken a Kite.
Tony: Hike. The expression is taking a hike.
McGee: She may have had it confused with "go fly a kite."
Ziva: I speak five languages, forgive me if I get confused sometimes.
4) Ziva: Where did all these people come from?
Tony: Didn't you see the sign? Its a yard sale day.
Ziva: I see. And do Marines sell their yards often?
5) Ziva: I don't need a babysitter, Tony. I have been in hundreds of these situations.
Tony: Never with me. As far as I'm concerned, you're a probie.
Ziva: I've never had sex with you either -does that make me a virgin?
6) Ziva: They owed me a favor.
McGee: How many people owe you a favor?
Ziva: How many dates does Tony have in a month?
7) Not a ziva quote but does emphasize her badassness:
[Gibbs and Tony arrive to find Ziva standing over two restrained suspects and a woman with a knife in her chest]
Tony: Remind me never to piss her off.
Gibbs: Oh, DiNozzo, you have no idea.
And there's Ziva. Wouldn't ever want to be on her bad side.

Pauley Perrette as Abby Sciuto also of NCIS. She's the forensics specialist assigned to NCIS. She is a perky Goth, which should be a total oxymoron but she makes it work. She sleeps in a coffin, as a child of deaf parents can speak sign language, addicted to caffeine, dated McGee the most clean cut of the group in Season 1, and Gibbs, he who is mean to everyone, adores her like a
daughter. Oh and she bowls with nuns.

1) Abby Sciuto: What are you going to do while I test for poison in a health snack?
Tony: I'll wait.
Abby: There's a futon under the desk.
Tony: Bless you.
Abby: What are you, my priest?
Tony: Curse you?
2) Abby: (while watching film of a terrorist's van) Are we submitting to the Sundance film Festival? Tony: Yes, best terrorist film category.
Abby: Sweet.
3) Perfume is expensive Gibbs. I can't just hang out at the Macy's tester tray with my lab kit. They frown on that sort of behavior.
4) My cursor has moved across places that would make Tony blush.
5) Abby: (admiring Tony's bullet ridden hat) Very cool, where can I get one of these?
6) Abby: So I suppose you want me to find out what chastity belt this opens?
Gibbs: Do I look like DiNozzo?
Tony: Not funny, boss. Besides I can open a chastity belt.
Abby: Did you ever see one? Mine's awesome, eighteenth century French.
Tony: You have a chastity belt?
Gibbs: So much more information than I need to know about Abby.
7) McGee, never forget. I am one of few people, in the world, who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence.
8) Abby: I have some good news and some bad news. Good news: I'm still cute. Bad news: The bomb squad got a little trigger-happy. [holds up bag of bomb fragments] Do you have any idea what's beyond "smithereens"?
Gibbs: Not a clue.
Abby: Neither do I.
[A moment later, Ziva catches up to annoyed Abby in elevator]
Abby: Are you going home?
Ziva: Not yet. I thought I might be able to help you with... [gestures to evidence] ...that.
Abby: [scathingly] Really? Do you have a degree in forensic science?
Ziva: No, but I'm very good at jigsaw puzzles.
Abby: [softening a bit] Huh. We'll see.
9) (Having tied up the dude trying to frame Tony) Now can I work alone?

And we have Abby. And she is quirky!

Karen Gillan as Amelia "Amy" Pond in Doctor Who. She's tough, smart, and straightforward. And she is also the only companion that I know of who actually attempted to seduce the Doctor. She and her hubbie, Rory are also utterly cute together.

1) The Doctor: You're Amelia!
Amy: You're late.
The Doctor: Amelia Pond, you're the little girl!
Amy: I'm Amelia and you're late.
The Doctor: What happened?
Amy: Twelve years.
The Doctor: You hit me with a cricket bat!
Amy: Twelve years!
The Doctor: Cricket bat!
Amy: Twelve years and four psychiatrists!
The Doctor: Four?
Amy: I kept biting them.
The Doctor: Why?
Amy: They said you weren't real.
2) (About the space whale) It came because it couldn't stand to watch your children cry. What if you were really old, and really kind and alone? Your whole race is dead, no future. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, that kind, and the very last of your couldn't just stand there and watch children cry.
3) Amy: Hey, look at this. I got my spaceship, I got my boys... my work here is done. [struts into the TARDIS, head held high]
Rory: [scoffs] We are not her "boys."
The Doctor: [beat] Yeah, we are.
Rory: Yeah, we are.
4) The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force !
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!
5) Amy: [After Rory disintegrates] Save him. You save everybody. You always do. It's what you do.
The Doctor: Not always. I'm sorry.
Amy: Then what is the point of you?
6) [Amy awakens in a confined box with a glass lid.]
Amy Pond: Let me out. Can anyone here me?! I'm alive in here! Let me out! I know you're out there. My name is Amy Pond and you better get me the hell out of here or, so help me, I'm gonna kick your backside!
[A Silurian appears on the other side of the glass lid.]
Silurian: Shhhh...
Amy Pond: Did you just shush me? Did you just shush ME?!
7) The Doctor: [talking to Amy in the TARDIS using a communicator] Now all I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?
Amy: Have you seen you?
The Doctor: So you're just going to be snide? No helpful hints?
Amy: Hmm, well, here's one: Bowtie - get rid!
The Doctor: Bowties... are... cool.

Amy...always awesome!

Anyway, I'm not gonna bother with Amia Moretti. She truly is pure eye candy and she's also in porn, so there is NEVER good dialog. But she's adorable and VERY enthusiastic and looks like she is one of those who genuinely enjoys her job. And that's why I so enjoy watching her, umm, enjoy herself. :P

So Liz, I hope that makes up for the discrepancy in my previous post!


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