Back in the 80s we had big hair and weird clothes but we all thought we looked good even though looking at those pictures now make us cringe.  The 80s gave us the Brat Pack and music we thought would last forever.  But then along came the 90s and we no longer wanted to “tumble for ya” or even feel “like a virgin”.  Instead we got “totally crossed out” and even worse.  So follow me on that trip down 90s music memory lane and maybe, if you are anything like me, you’ll ask yourself “WTF?” Now please note these are in no particular order more or less just listed as they popped into my head.  Now for the record I have nothing against the artist themselves because hey they made their money and we thank them for the entertainment.  My comments either pertain to their attire in the videos they chose to make or the damn annoying song itself or hey sometimes both.  So we shall explore the randomness that is my list after the jump.
Oh yes....

1.   Kriss Kross – Jump
First off, what is up with dude’s eyebrows?  But aside from that why the hell would you want to wear your clothes backwards especially if you are a guy??  That just can’t be hygienic at all.  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they had to piss just so I could laugh as they struggled to find the buttons on their jeans!  I have no doubt that this video probably inspired the saggy pants craze that still persists today.

2.   Ini Kamoze -  Here Comes the Hotstepper
What the hell is he saying??  I will admit that they song gave me guilty pleasure back then but when it was used in a movie (Ready to Wear) it went from cute to how the hell does this fit.  I know better than to question the movie industry gods but come on sometimes you just have to wonder.

3.   Snow – Informer
Do I even have to say anything?  I think Jim Carrey (second video by the way) said enough when he did his parody on In Living Color.  The best part of this is neither MC Shan nor Snow had much of a career once Vanilla Ice got roasted.  Speaking of Vanilla Ice…
4.   Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby
Wow, to even admit you liked this song now is like asking to be picked on.  But come on we all know we thought he was the shit until… he got busted in a few lies the number one lie being his nonexistent street cred.  I always wondered myself who dressed him but hey maybe that was just me.
5.   MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This
Please Hammer take off those pants!!  And bicycle shorts really??  Well now he is singing you can’t spend this or I better preach this.  Nothing against the man really because he sure could dance but he should have taken accounting 101 it might have saved his ass in the end.
6.   Hanson – MmmBop
Mmm…NOT!!  Oh man I have no idea where these boys came from but I was glad as hell when they went back.
7.   Nelson – Love & Affection
Gunnar, Matthew, I CAN live without this damn song!  Riding high on being the sons of Ricky Nelson this was one of the most overplayed songs I ever heard.  To this day I can’t hear this song and not mock it and then there was the nice big bushy rock star hair we all know and love.  Props for being musically inclined like their father but the not came from the clichéd song.
8.   Michael Jackson – Black or White
Now before I get murdered in my sleep let me say I absolutely LOVE Michael Jackson and cried my heart out when he died.  He was truly a brilliant man and artist but I would be remiss not to include this song.  I know he was probably talking about racial equality but that is sooooooooooo not the way it came across.  You’re black Mike you are indeed black trust me! :-)
9.   Color Me Badd – I Wanna Sex You Up
Now I will admit I had a CMB cd as we probably all did but it was only later when I heard BSB that I realized CMB was probably the start of the boy band craze.  Well Color You Replaced with a cuter more popular and more marketable version, take your pick BSB or N’Sync, they BOTH had a longer run than you did.
10. Ricky Martin – Living La Vida Loca
Well now he’s living la vida broke-a.  Actually I am not sure if he is really broke he could be living off the money he made from Menuedo, the boy band that wouldn't die, as well.  Could there have been a more annoying song?  I am sure there are others but this one popped into my head first.  Then it came back to haunt us again in the guise of William Hung.  Please Ricky go away Enrique is cuter! 

Anyway that is my list for now I am sure you wonderful folks (Scooter told me to say wonderful, gorgeous and fabulous, so I guess I just did) can come up with more.  Again no offense to the artists or their fans they made the money I didn’t plus they could probably sing about taking a crap and we would by it (or at least download it).  But as time marches on music tastes change, it is only when we look back that we realize this change and go “please tell me I didn’t really like that song”.  We did it in the 80s, we did it in the 90s and we still do it now.  So how many of you can really say you still don’t know all the words to Karma Chameleon? Stop singing Scoot….


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