One of the commenters on an earlier post suggested that I try bodyguard work. It makes sense. After all, I'm good in a fight and Gotham has a seemingly endless supply of wealthy industrialists. Somebody's always after them for something or other.

So I turned to the want ads. I found a great many "bodyguard wanted" ads, but I settled on one by a Mr. H. Reginald Hatbutter. (what is with Gotham and weird names?) Anyway, Mr. Hatbutter's ad attracted me because he "works mostly at night." That's when I'm best, too.

I went in for an interview. He was your typical "fat cat" type of industrialist. Expensive suit, cigar, the whole deal. He "liked the cut of my jib" and decided to hire me on.

On my first evening of work I put on my best costume and went into the office. Mr. Hatbutter immediately informed me that he had a very important meeting with an associate in the abandoned warehouse district. (only Gotham would have an entire district devoted to abandoned warehouses...) It was then that I started to feel leery about the whole endeavor.

We took Mr. Hatbutter's limousine out to a mysterious building in the abandoned warehouse district. He had me open the door and go in first. It was then that I was darn sure that things weren't going the way I had hoped.

Turns out that my boss's "associate" was Oswald Cobbepot -- The Penguin! He didn't seem to recognize me (must've been all those costume changes). I wasn't sure what to do. After all, I was being paid by Mr. Hatbutter to help him with his work. On the other hand, my sense of justice called out for me to put a stop to whatever vile enterprise he and the Penguin were engaged in.

Luckily I didn't have to decide, as it was that moment that the warehouse's skylight (all abandoned warehouses have skylights) shattered. Who do you think dropped in? It was none other than Robin, The Boy Wonder. He took out Cobblepot and Mr. Hatbutter while I stood dumbfounded.

He asked me what I was doing there. I managed to mumble incoherently something or other about "being undercover." I don't know if he fell for it (the kid's pretty sharp) but he let me go on my way. I think Robin feels sorry for me.

So another attempt at honest employment falls through. And this time I didn't even get paid!


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