So, by now we've all met Kathy "Kate" Kane -- the one destined to be the new Batwoman. Some people surely love her already. I bet others hate her guts. Me? I find myself shockingly indifferent. And I have no idea why.

Part of it's probably because she's so tied into the Renee Montoya story. I'm not really enjoying the Montoya story. Too much Montoya. Not enough Question. Not nearly enough Question.

Another part is that I'm finding the implied relationship between Ms. Kane and Montoya to be... Well, I'm not finding it to be anything. It just doesn't seem real to me.

But in the end, those are all problems I have with Renee Montoya. Kathy Kane just hasn't made much of an impression on me. I know her entrance was supposed to be all impressive -- "Look! A beautiful woman in a dress!" -- but it's nothing we haven't seen a hundred times before.

Don't get me wrong; I don't dislike Kathy Kane at all. And some of my indifference probably stems from all the hype surrounding the character. She really is just another supporting cast member, after all. But a far as supporting cast members go, she ain't no Alfred.

But I'll give her time to grow on me. I guess she'll probably be getting some more face time in 52. But I'd still rather have a faceless goon than a beautiful redhead. I wonder what that says about me?


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