Have you noticed the emerging consensus on artificial meta-humans in the DCU? I know, that last sentence didn't make any sense. But hear me out anyway.

In 52 we have Lex Luthor releasing his "meta-therapy" to give anyone superpowers. The Chinese certainly took advantage of it in the form of The Great Ten. Even One Year Later the Chinese are still cooking up meta-humans (and it looks like Kobra might be getting in on the action as well). To top it off, the Brotherhood of Evil seems to be serving up superhuman clones to the highest bidder.

What's up with all of this? Is this some sort of commentary? If it is, I don't have any clue what it means. Or is it simply an excuse to come up with a bunch of cool new characters? Or is it all leading to somewhere? It's clear that DC and Marvel aren't about to step away from big crossovers. Are they laying the groundwork for some sort of... Additional Crisis?

Probably not. But I'll take the cool characters just the same.


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