Will I be featured as one of the villains in your upcoming run on Justice League of America? I would seem to be an obvious choice. Not only have I faced the League before (see that wretched Last Laugh crossover) but I am also a doctor. And you seem to have a penchant for rejuvinating villainous doctors.

Not that I need rejuvinating. I am as fit as I have ever been. And for the record, even a devious mind such as myself finds the crime of which Doctor Light was guilty abhorrent. You will never find me engaging in such despicable acts. All of my "conquests" have begun with mutual assent and have ended with mutual satisfaction. That's the way Doctor Polaris rolls.

Anyway, I would very much like to appear in Justice League of America. Perhaps I could instigate this version of the League's inaugural "Rending Asunder of Red Tornado." Because it has to happen eventually.


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