The first issue of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters is out. And it seems to have annoyed some people. I've heard some call that it has a "liberal bias." That's not saying much; some people think everything has a "liberal bias" (just like some people think everything has a "conservative bias"). Well, I'm going to say it straight out: there's no such thing in Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters.

Yes, Uncle Sam's current protege Firebrand is a little, well, fiery. And he's certainly got a liberal slant to him. But how much you want to bet Doll Man (as a long time member of the United States Armed Forces) is a little more conservative?

Of course, the real issue is that some seem to think that Uncle Sam represents a liberal force going up against a conservative one. That's just not right.

Uncle Sam's enemy is the mysterious and well-bearded Father Time. Father Time is not a conservative. He's a fascist. His goal is nothing less than complete control over the United States of America. And he'll clearly do anything to achieve this goal. In the first issue alone we see Father Time assassinate a presidential candidate and replace him with a double.

So what does Uncle Sam represent? It's a pretty simple equation: Uncle Sam = Freedom. Uncle Sam = Truth. Uncle Sam = Justice, and so on. Uncle Sam is the embodiment of the Spirit of America. In that, he represents all the great things that America could be. All the things it aspires to be. All the things that it should be, even if it's not.

I for one find that to be a very exciting proposition, especially considering the current climate in the world. These new "Freedom Fighters" are not noble. They aren't heroic. But Uncle Sam is coming, and he will take these misfits -- these imperfect beings -- and mould them into something more than they are now. From what they are to what they could be.

Uncle Sam is coming, and tyranny had better watch out. Because he's gonna kick its ass.


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