One of the most surprising things to come out of the San Diego Comic Con (at least for me) was the announcement of a Terra miniseries.

It seems so completely and utterly random. Why is DC giving a character who hasn't had any major exposure recently a limited series? Are they trying to drum up some enthusiasm for the character? Perhaps she will be appearing in Teen Titans.

Perhaps the recent upping of Slade Wilson has also elevated all his tag-alongs. Deathstroke (The Terminator!) has been on a huge upswing lately. It seems to have served him better than his years as a "grim/gritty antihero." Nobody wants that.

On point: I have no problem with the idea of a Terra miniseries. Especially considering the creative team involved. Plus, the character really does have a lot of questions surrounding her. They've been there for years. The current Terra is a complete and utter enigma. Is she the original? Is she a clone? Someone else entirely? It's always been a mystery. Except that nobody seemed to care about finding the answer. Until now.


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