I know I'm far from the first person to express what is (among some circles at least) an unpopular opinion. But I really think Dan DiDio was right: Dick Grayson should have died.

I knew something was wrong as I finished Infinite Crisis #7 Batman seemed to be acting appropriately earlier in the issue when he threatened Alex Luthor with a gun. I found it believable... At least until saw a happy Dick Grayson waving from the deck of a boat. Huh?

So Dick Grayson survives. What's the result? He acts like a total ass in Outsiders and becomes a whiner emo loser in his solo title. "But wait!" you cry. "They're fixing that! Marv Wolfman is going to write his book!"


I'm sorry, but when I hear "Marv Wolfman" I think of two things: the Anti-Monitor's grandiose speaches (which I love) and Dick's disco collar (not so much). Guess which one is more likely to have a bearing on Nightwing?

Anyway, things would've been a lot more interesting if they had killed Dick and given Jason Todd the role. I dig Jason. As for Dick... Not so much, these days...


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