Nay, I demand it. I want a role in 52. I'm not letting the biggest (albeit most inconsistent) DC event in years slide by without my taking a part.

I've been a presence in most of DC's great events. My role in Crisis on Infinite Earths is nigh legendary. And Underworld Unleashed revealed a previously unseen side of me -- that of wine connoisseur.

And of course, everyone remembers my explosive appearance in Infinite Crisis.

Is it not fitting that I receive a part in 52? I'm not being greedy here. Though I demand recognition I do not expect a starring role. I am more than willing to accept a walk-on -- even one that entails my being out of costume.

Of course, regardless of DC's willingness I will have my appearance. They cannot stop me. All iron and steel is at my command. And there are a lot of paperclips in DiDio's office...


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