In the wake of the San Diego Comic Con I've heard rumors that Doctor Polaris may be returning to the DCU... And that it won't be me.

That's right: I've heard that they're going to replace me. With an incredibly attractive female doctor. This leaves me completely and utterly conflicted.

Evil geniuses like myself are often incredibly narcissistic. As such, the thought of a sexy woman in my costume... Well, let's just say that I find the prospect highly exciting.

On the other hand, I am Doctor Polaris. The very thought that another could usurp my title as Master of Magnetism and relegate me to a secondary position fills me with rage.

But there might be another bright side to the entire thing. If we've learned nothing, it's that the losers who like to read comics hate change. Look how long they whined (I'm looking at you, Alex Ross!) about Hal Jordan being replaced.

Sure, they might not miss me now. But debut "Doctor Polaris II" and they'll be screaming for the return of the original. And that would be me.


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