More hints to the coming events coming fast and furious this week. Over at Newsarama Ethan Van Sciver talks about the Sinestro Corps. Along with that come hints that the said team of yellow ring-wielding maniacs will play an important role in in whatever DC's next event will be. That's part one.

Part two, of course, comes in this week's issue of Green Lantern Corps. Another ship of Qwardians -- exiled to the Matter Universe -- has been discovered. They were destroyed by yellow rings.

To me, this seems quite odd. It is a fact that the yellow ring Sinestro wields was originally manufactured for him by the Weaponers of Qward. And yet, here he is, driving them out of their home universe. At the behest of others, no doubt.

Someone has set up shop on Qward, and replaced the Weaponers as the Anti-Matter equivalent of the Guardians of the Universe. Whoever they are, they have power in spades. They are strong, dedicated to their cause, and in some way connected to the fear entity called Parallax.

Whoever they are, they're going to be huge. And they're going to be right at the center of whatever DC's got planned. Count on it.


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