Why do you not return my calls, Chang Tzu?

When it became known to me that you were populating a sinister island with the greatest minds in scientific evil I knew that you would want me. I am the man who has engineered thousands of magnetic-related crimes. I am the man who through sheer force of intellect granted himself astonishing super powers!

And yet, you did not call me. Thinking this to be a simple oversight (my number is unlisted, after all) I immediately called your island. I proceeded to leave a message with one of your Intergang flunkies. Then I left a dozen more. You have yet to respond.

I know that I am no Thomas Oscar Morrow. I am not deluded about my abilities. But I do know that my scientific brilliance dwarfs the likes of "Doctor" Tyme, Baron Bug, and Ira Quimby.

If I do not receive a call in the next seventy-two hours, you will force me to take action. My good friend Half has already agreed to help me if it comes to that. We will use his ship's mighty arsenal to assail your island with doom.

You have been warned.


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