Where is Black Adam?

Of course, in once sense we know exactly where he is. He's tearing up the pages of 52, and he's about to start World War III. But we all know that that was a year ago. Where's he been since?

I'm sure we'll be finding out. There's no question of that. But I like to speculate now. So what do we know now?

We know that Black Adam has committed a terrible crime. He slaughtered an entire country -- killing millions. We know that he did/will start a World War, most assuredly killing thousands -- if not millions -- more. So the easy answer would be: he's dead.

But that's too easy. If there's one thing I've learned about Geoff Johns it's that her rarely ever kills characters he likes (unless there are legal issues involved). And Geoff Johns has made very clear that he likes Black Adam. A lot.

Plus, there have been whisperings of a possible Black Adam series (or mini-series) following the end of 52. So where exactly is Black Adam?

I think the answer came in a brief "throwaway" like in an earlier issue of 52 (noting, of course, that nothing in 52 is a throwaway). During a confrontation between Captain Marvel and Black Adam, Marvel briefly mentions that Black Adam needs to tone it down or some such. And if he doesn't, he'll imprison him in the "Rock of Finality."

As far as I'm aware, that's the first (and only time) such a Rock has been mentioned. My guess is that Black Adam is there, serving a penance for his crimes. Whether he is there willingly or not, I cannot say.

But I do know this: he won't stay there for long. Finality ain't forever, after all...


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