Yesterday's post touched a nerve among certain foolish fools. I make no apologies! You will get none from me, Tyme.

But I do demand that you apologize to me. The MD on one wall of my (villainous) study compliments the PhD on the other quite nicely. And yet you had the nerve to not only steal fifty-two of my precious seconds, but also to disparage the degrees that I earned through legitimate study, scholarship, and years of medical school. (note to students: crime does pay... off student loans!)

And yet you, Tyme, have so far displayed no proof that you have either a medical degree or a doctorate in the finer sciences. Can you even prove you graduated from college?

Mark my words, Tyme. Should you choose to pursue this feud, the consequences will be dire. I am not a patient man. Nor am a merciful man. You have been warned. Again.


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