Somebody, please. Remind me again: why did they decide to take Hawkman out of play for an entire year? Can anybody give me the logic behind that?

I mean, sure... Property destruction went down during his absence. Not nearly as many chairs, tables, and courtrooms were trashed. But was it worth it? After all, there was also a signfificant drop in the number of villains who had their heads smashed into things. Or things smashed into their heads.

And is that really the sort of "Brave New World" we'd want our children living in? A world where Hawkman doesn't bust people up with slick medieval weaponry? I know it's the not the kind of world I'd want to raise kids in.

Thankfully, that nightmare seems to be at its end. Hawkman is back again (he always comes back) and has renewed his skull smashing. Sure, we might lose some furniture. And more than a few windows. But didn't a great man once say:

"Hawkman wrecking shit up is the price we pay for a civilized society."

I'm pretty sure somebody said that.


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