Good evening, loyal readers. Allow me to discuss medicine -- a topic with which I am well acquainted.

Consider the following: someone close to you has been grievously injured. Their life is at stake, and the window of opportunity to save that life grows smaller with every passing moment? Who, pray tell, do you call?

Perhaps you might consider enlisting the aid of Doctor Mid-Nite, the world's greatest surgeon. Or dare I suggest Doctor Polaris, a brilliant doctor and the Man Who Mastered Magnetism? These, and many other trained medical professionals would be appropriate choices.

But who does Green Arrow call after his son is shot? Not I, certainly. Not even Dr. Pieter Cross. No, when delicate surgery is at hand Oliver Queen summons Hal Jordan: Clumsiest Man Alive.

The choice is stunning in its idiocy. A young man lies near death, and Green Arrow calls Hal Jordan? The man can't can't fly five feet without hitting an exposed buttress. Why does Queen think he is the appropriate man to be digging around inside his son's chest cavity?

Green is clearly the color of stupid.


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