Everybody is talking about that Spider-Man story "One More Day." I've heard a bit about it and I've read a bit about it and I've even seen a little bit of it. And though I don't usually talk about such things here, who am I to pass up an opportunity to heap well-deserved scorn upon Marvel?

So here goes: Peter Parker is a selfish jerk. As far as I can tell everything he does in "One More Day" is about him. So Aunt May is dying. Yes, I understand that. But why does Peter want to save her life? Not because of her. It's because of Peter Parker. Peter Parker is unwilling to live without her. He doesn't really think about what she would want.

Think about it... He's standing there, talking to the freakin' devil. If the devil exists, then logically God does as well. I don't know if Aunt May or Peter Parker are particularly religious people. But I'd imagine that Aunt May might be a lot happier up in Heaven with the one guy in comics who hasn't come back from the dead. Just a thought.

But here's the other thing. Someone said to me that Peter Parker's life was pretty crappy. Uh, no. Now he's got his Aunt back, a couple of blonde hotties (presumably) vying for his affections, his best friend's alive, his secret identity is secret, and he doesn't even remember what happened.

So who's getting the shaft here? It's not Spider-Man. Things seem pretty good for him. Then who? That's right, It's Mary Jane. I don't know what's happened to poor Mary Jane, but like the man says... She's getting screwed. She's the one who's lost everything. Spider-Man hasn't made any real sacrifices.

He should be ashamed of himself.


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