A funny thing happened to me as I was reading Gotham Underground #4. I started to really hate Tobias Whale. This is not because he's a sick, twisted criminal. After all, I share my blog with one of those. I hate Tobias Whale because he's trying to clean all the masked villains out of Gotham.

That sounds strange, doesn't it? I mean, that's what Batman's trying to do, right? Well, partly yes and partly... No. Batman's trying to clean all crime out of Gotham, no matter the form it takes. Whale wants to take out only the gimmicky villains... And set himself up in their place.

I know it's wrong, I know it's twisted, but I cannot stand for that. It's those maniacs that make Gotham what it is. They are Gotham far more than Batman could ever be. Batman wouldn't even be there if it weren't for them. His war is unending not because of normal crime... It's unending because of the exceptional villains who dwell in Gotham City.

And now Tobias Whale thinks he can just waltz in and kill them all off. Tobias Whale is not as smart as he thinks he is. He'd better pray that the Joker doesn't come a calling...


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