You know, I'm not completely certain that this whole "multiverse" thing isn't a complete fakeout. In fact, I'm starting to believe that that's exactly what it is.

When they brought the stupid thing back they talked a lot about the infinite possibilities inherent in the concept. That may be so. But what have we really seen happen with the multiverse?

Well, we've got Monarch scouring worlds and slaying dopplegangers left and right. He's conscripting all the rest into his wacky army. And on the other side of things you got Superboy -- excuse me, Superman Prime -- destroying Earths wholesale.

So here's the question I've got... How exactly can you have a multiverse if everybody who lives there has been killed or drafted into a conquering army? How can you have a multiverse if the fifty-two Earths are being destroyed by a maniac one at a time?

No, my friends. I fear that this multiverse we have been granted is merely a stopgap. It is a temporary measure. When the last page turns on Final Crisis there will be one Earth again.


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