It seems that in the pages of Robin a former ally of you-know-who may be returning from the dead. I should say that it is not me.

But what I will say is that if poor Stephanie Brown is returning from the cold embrace of the grave, I will not begrudge her that. I know the pain of brutal, violent death. And then the indignity of being largely forgotten by those who called you an ally.

Indeed, I hope that Stephanie's return (if that is indeed what is happening) will lead to you-know-who reexamining not only his hiring but his firing practices.

Consider this: my former employer hired Stephanie on as Robin. Then he fired her. She proceeded to start a gang war and then get tortured to death. Recall poor Cassandra Cain, who was cut adrift and then began to speak in tongues (Navajo) and try to kill people. And let us not forget myself. I went crazy, was fired, then went crazy again. And then got shot. Right after I went crazy.

Were these things you-know-who's fault? Perhaps they are. Or perhaps they merely could be. All I'm saying is that I'd like to come back from the dead too.


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