Well, You-Know-Who is dead. It looks like he's out of the picture for a while. I welcome him to the club.

But the big question is: who's taking over? We've got this whole "Battle for the Cowl" thing going on. And I want in. I should at least be given the chance to audition. After all, I have far more experience wearing that cowl than any of the other possible contenders. Heck, Hugo Strange has more experience wearing that cowl than the others do.

And look: I'm getting better. I barely ever have those blackouts anymore. And the number of pseudo-religious hallucinations I experience on a regular basis have sharply declined. I'm in as good of shape as I've ever been, and I can still beat a mugger within an inch of his life without breaking a sweat.

So come on; give me the chance. I've got the drive and the experience to be Batman. I've done it before. And not many people can say that.


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