Well, it's December 13. That means I've been doing this blog thing for three whole years. A lot has changed in my life recently, but one thing that has remained largely constant -- and hopefully will for a long time -- is my comic blogging at Title Undetermined.

I never came up with a title, but I think I've developed an interesting style over the past three years. I've got my normal posts, and my co-bloggers who help keep things from getting stale. It's never a dull moment with those guys.

I want to thank everybody who reads regularly or just stops by on occasion. It means a lot to me, knowing that somebody out there is reading something I write.

There are going to be more changes in store for me soon -- I'm going back to school next year, and who knows where that'll take me. But one place It won't take me is away from here. Here's hoping I can keep this going for another year or three...


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