Well, Secret Six came out this week. As usual, it was really good. Lot's of hints for interesting things to come.

But what was also interesting was the Gail Simone interview on Newsarama. She had a lot of teases there. A lot of exciting things are on the way.

But for me, the most important by far was this:

"After that, we have a story where the Six have to face the consequences of "Unhinged," and I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s got meat-human trafficking, the return of a great DC anti-hero, the split-up of the original team, nudity, eggs, claws, and jeez, just a ton more things I’m completely ashamed of."

Okay, now read that again:

"After that, we have a story where the Six have to face the consequences of "Unhinged," and I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s got meat-human trafficking, the return of a great DC anti-hero, the split-up of the original team, nudity, eggs, claws, and jeez, just a ton more things I’m completely ashamed of."

Well, well, well... You know, DC doesn't have many anti-heroes. Maybe..?

Wild Dog returns?


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