I did not read Secret Invasion.

That should come as no surprise to you. After all, my lack of interest in Marvel Comics is well documented. Still, I read the spoilers and got myself a look at the last few pages of Secret Invasion's final issue. And it confirms something that I have long believed true:

The Marvel Universe is full of idiots.

I've talked before about how the average populace of the Marvel U seems incapable of telling the difference between good guys and bad guys. They can't seem to understand that man dressed like flag is good while mand who throws pumpkins and drops girls off bridges is bad. I mean, they arrested the flag guy and put pumpkin guy in charge of super-heroes. How does that work?

I'm serious here: how does this stuff happen? Why is the average person (and the not so average judging by that president there) so completely dimwitted? How can they be so utterly clueless? I've said it before and I'll say it again: by and large, the people in the DCU don't have this problem. Sure, they elected Luthor president. But when he went crazy and tried to kill Superman on national television they kicked him out.

Now to be fair, the average person in the Marvel U may not know Norman Osborne spends a good portion of his time wearing a green mask and trying to kill Spider-Man. But I'd imagine that the president probably does. But he still puts the guy in charge of whatever passes for a super-hero organization in the Marvel U.

It's like they want things to go bad. They keep choosing progressively worse people to put in charge of things.

"Well, we put the fascist guy in charge and he mucked it up. Let's try putting the murderous supervillain in charge. After all, how could that possibly go wrong?"



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