I'm in Venice until Friday to conduct a workshop. This is the view from my hotel on the Grand Canal. It is incredibly beautiful here in Venice. I will be posting more photos from here in the next few days, then I'm going back to Sao Paulo!

What sorts of things in comics make you leap out of your chair and cheer aloud?

We've all got things we just love to see in the comics. Scenes that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and make you feel like you're staring through a magic window into a miraculous world.

For me it's a classic sort of Superman scene. We've seen it many, many times but I never get tired of seeing it. I imagine we'll be seeing a similar scene very soon in Superman: Secret Origin and I'm excited to see how Geoff Johns plays it.

Here's how it goes: something is happening. It's bad. It could be a crashing space plane or a meteor from space or robot bent on destruction. There is nothing that can stop it. It's absolutely impossible that whoever is caught in this predicament (though it's usually Lois Lane) can escape. They are dead. There's no way around it. They can't survive.

But then the plane stops falling. Or the meteor is diverted. And the people in the crowd (becuse there is always a crowd) look to the sky. It's a bird, they may say. Or maybe a plane. But in the end they find that it's a flying man. A man who can do the impossible. It's Superman.

What common, oft repeated scene takes your breath away?

So far I've been pretty pleased with the backup features in the books I'm reading. I didn't even hate the Ravager backup in Teen Titans! How about that, huh?

I'm also pleased to hear that the backups will be collected in their own trade paperbacks at some point. I just can't rationalize buying every book that has a backup. I just don't have the cash for all that.

Still, the backups in the books I am reading are turning out to be quite fun. Blue Beetle, of course, is fantastic. And The Question is looking like it should be pretty cool. It's great getting more than one story for the price of one. I really feel like that extra story is worth the extra dollar.

The backup I'm looking forward to the most is still on the horizon. More than anything I'm excited about James Robinson and Greg Rucka writing Captain Atom in Action Comics. That's going to be a blast.

What backup features have you liked the best?

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Thank you, James Robinson. Thanks for remembering that there actually are cities in Japan besides Tokyo.

I know those shrines well, in fact. I used to ride past Nagata Shrine on my way to work every day on the bus. And on many a weekend my friends and I would cut through Ikuta Shrine to cut a few minutes off the walk to one of our favorite restaurants.

*sigh* I miss those days...

Some things never change. This is one of them. This is Thursday Night Thinking.

Tonight: a classic Batman cover that asks the age old question that we've all struggled with: "am I Batman?"

Good thought, better question.


A Big Congratulations to.....


Anita from Castles Crowns and Cottages!!!!

I am very excited to announce Anita as the winner of my second giveaway! She is one of the sweetest and nicest bloggers out there! It is an honor to send her this little gift.


She has a lovely blog and her images and her fun positive energy is contagious! I love her posts on crowns and all things French. Her love of music and life are uplifting and each visit to her site enriches my soul! Thank you Anita, I am so happy that you won!!!

A big Thank you to all of you who entered, who read my posts, and to all of you who have shown me so much support!


I believe these images are from Harpers

Hi Everybody!
I sat with some friends this morning at "The Corner Bakery" and had a wonderful discussion over oatmeal and tea. The topic was...
How do we do it all!?!

All of us sitting there with our children in their various "stages"... Terrible Two's, teething, Teen, colicky, & newborn (they sound like 5 of Snow White's dwarfs). We all had the same question...How do we do it all?

My answer was simple, I don't!

Life can be a balancing act. There is so much on our shoulders. For me it is Husband, child, family, home, work, friends, Etsy, blog, errands, cooking, cleaning, bills, etc, etc. I won't lie, sometimes I just can't do it all. It was strange but everybody looked at me as though I was crazy when I said this. Did I utter the most taboo words in the English language? I felt like an animal at the zoo the way they were looking at me! Am I the only one who doesn't get it all done all of the time!?!
I used to pretend that I was perfect. My perfect home, my perfect never messy baby, my perfectly precision cut hair and always manicured perfect nails, my perfectly pressed fresh from the dry cleaners business attire, my perfectly detailed Mercedes, my perfect everything. I was insane! Nobody is perfect all of the time.
Well, friends, times have changed and while I still try to get it all done, I know now that realistically about 70-80% of my list gets checked off daily, and I'm okay with that.
Now at the end of the day when I've spent good solid quality time with my son and husband, I've achieved perfection :)
Here's to you! Getting it all done...

There were a number of things about this week's Justice Society of America that unsettled me. Primarily, I think, is the fact that one of history's greatest tragedies was employed to tell a super-hero story.

I don't know if Mr. Ordway has ever been to Hiroshima. I have, and it's impossible to forget the things you see there. The photographs of the dead, the melted rooftiles, the black, human-shaped stains on paving stones. These aren't things you forget, even if you wish to.

I understand that maybe Mr. Ordway was trying to make a point about the issue, that he was trying to say that the dropping of that bomb and its twin weren't something black or white. Maybe, even as far from it as I am, I'm still too close to the issue. I can't fault Mr. Ordway for trying to tell the story even if it makes me unformfortable.

Hiroshima is an interesting city, and if you go thinking you'll find a place absorbed by the meloncholy of its tragedy you'll be disappointed. the burnt out remains of the A-Bomb Dome are the only real remnants of what happened there. The Peace Park at the site of where the bomb was dropped is big and beautiful, and there are always both tourists and Japanese people there.

I'm sure that there are those who still harbor ill will for what happened on that day. But you wouldn't know it. Maybe it's too long gone and everyone there is too young. I got nothing but friendly smiles, waves from children, and enthuisiastic attempts at English. Nobody seemed angry or resentful that I was an American. They just seemed happy to see me.

Still, you can't forget what happened there. Whether it was right or wrong -- and I doubt anyone has a real, proper answer to that question -- it happened. And even though this week's JSA made me uncomfortable, if it helps just one person to remember what happened in Hiroshima, it'll be worth it.

I'm in Berlin for the next two days between the men's shows in Milan and Paris. As you can tell I have been jumping around a lot lately. You will soon be seeing lots of images from Pitti, Milan, Berlin, Paris, Venice, and finally back to Sao Paulo. I kind of love mixing up the images from these cities. It was very warm in Florence and very cool here in Berlin which leads to a really great contrast in Summer looks - it's difficult for me to pack clothes for a trip like this!

I could shoot a Navy & White combo at Pitti about a million times. Here, however, I love how the little red scarf detail and the orange trim on the shoes take the look to a whole new level.

Batwoman in Detective Comics kicks off tomorrow. I for one am ridiculously excited.

I am a great admirer of Greg Rucka's work, especially when he's let loose to do whatever the hell he feels like. He's had that freedom with Action Comics so far, and if you read the recent annual and don't agree that he's doing something amazing with a couple of nobody characters, well... You have my sympathy.

I get the feeling that Detective is more or less the same deal. I don't think there are really many restrictions on what Rucka's going to be doing. Kathy Kane and Rene Montoya are more or less Rucka's characters. And I have no doubt that he'll manage to tell a heck of a story with them.

What do you think?

So James Robinson and Mark Bagley are taking over Justice League of America. Is anybody else breathing a sigh of relief?

First of all, I'm thankful that I won't have to look at Ed Benes' art any longer. Some people may like his work, but it's certainly not my cup of tea. And how nice will it be to have a JLA monthly with a monthly artist. Bagley's one of the guys we know will be able to pull it off.

Secondly I'm thankful for James Robinson. His return to comics after that hiatus he took is one of the best things to happen to DC. JLA has been a bit of a mess lately, but it's not entirely Dwayne McDuffie's fault. He's been dealt some bad cards and some annoying editorial fiats.

But he knew that was the way things work. There's no point in complaining if the bosses tell you who you can and can't have on your team. You just have to work with it. After all, look what Keith Giffen and crew managed to do years ago with JLA and a team of second stringers. People still talk about that.

And James Robinson is the kind of guy who can do almost anything with anything. Look at Starman. Gaze in wonder at what he's managed to do with the Guardian and Mon-El. You think he can't take a team of whoever and make them interesting.

I guarantee you there won't be any sitting around at tables looking at photos in the Robinson/Bagley Justice League...

Bonjour Friends! It's been a busy, hectic, great week and it feels great to get back on the blog. It's an even better feeling to get out there and read some of the posts by all of you that I have been missing :)

It is no secret that I love Paris and miss it everyday. I have been missing one very strange thing the most lately, a baguette!

I know, I know, I can go to the store and just buy one, but for some reason it is just not the same for me.

I miss that scrumptious smell as you walk by, the inviting bread all stacked up calling you to come inside, I even miss waiting in line to buy my bread! It's true! :)

I miss the taste of those delicious, mouthwatering, croissants. I miss breaking bread with good friends over a bottle of wine and fantastic conversation. I miss the whole ritual of it.

It all just tastes better in Paris, yes... even the bread.

Okay, the above picture is not an actual Boulangerie but it is very pretty.

All of these beautiful images are via Flickr
So incredibly worth a trip to Paris! I can't wait to get back.
Have a fabulous weekend and thank you all for all of your support and friendship!!!