As I said elsewhere, I lead a very sheltered childhood. I also led a very closeted childhood. I won't go into the drama; suffice it to say I was forced to keep my taste a secret. Since I was a big time nerd/geek, I guess, I was able to get away with not needing to date anybody and keeping to myself. And actually, my high school experience, it was great overall.
Anyway, if could do it over again, I would have been keen on finding a boyfriend. And what kind of guy is my type? Well, in a word - Sokka! Yes, Sokka of the Water Tribe. What a hottie :) I got a big "Rob/Tron" (TRob?) crush on Sokka. And this installment of my Anti-FFF columns features two great stories that center on Sokka/Zuko.
Both are AU (of course)
 - Under Wicked Sky deviates the most as it imagines Zuko turning against his father/nation during the course of the first book/season. It's a well-crafted, character based story that isn't a pr0n-fest. I simply adore it and wish in the future to produce something like it, a magnum opus dedicated to my ultimate pairing. 
- Teaching Patience also deviates but in a sense not as much. It attempts to conform to the events of the show while at the same time filling in yummy Sokka/Zuko. I wish this story was finished; the author doesn't appear to update regularly enough. What's there is great though.
If you're curious about my own take on the Sokka/Zuko relationship, I offer the Metamorphosis, which is even more AU/AR as it's set in the old west. It's also got a few sex scenes so be warned!


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