Yep, that's right. I've been cheating on this blog with another. One I abandoned so long ago, but now we have found each other again.

Its my own personal blog, Scoot's got a link to it over there.

If you want a little more insight in the goings on in my head, more random scribbling of words, and maybe some reflections and funny videos. That be the place.

Frankly, it looks like crap and I might dig into my old HTML knowledge and spruce it up a little, but a part of me doesn't and just likes that its simply black and white. Especially with a video of Nimoy on there and the picture has a red background on it.  It looks neat, but... I didn't plan that out.

Anywho, enough with the plug. I'm going to do one of my movie things now, alright?

Lets do one from the top ten shall we?

Find out which one through the JUMP! (if it worked, I'm new to the whole jumping thing.)

Zortt's Films That Describe Only He:

#5 Forrest Gump

I guess, when I think about it, the reason I like this movie is all the history that's included in it. Forrest floats through historical events as if he was a feather in flight and we get to go with him enjoying the moments.

I don't have to explain the awesomeness of this movie, as in the plot details or anything because if you haven't seen it you know most of it already. The major plot details have been ingrained into the lexicon of pop that you know it without even trying very hard.

So, I had the chicken pox. Common childhood illness you get once. This particular case left susceptible to flu like symptoms, I remember throwing up a lot. Anyway, my folks offered to go to the video store and pick me up some movies. This was of course 1994. I was in first grade and so my movies that I picked out for them to get was the following: The Pagemaster starring Macaulay Culkin, some animated movie about Christopher Columbus and a mouse(?), and a random Three Stooges movie. I wasn't into movies as much as I am now, but the love was all still there. I remember laying on the floor of our house watching Pagemaster and then my mom's friend came in and she had brought Forrest Gump with her for her and my mom to watch. Needless to say, they knew it was a relatively harmless movie for me to watch.

The memory of Forrest running through the field, leaping the fence, and being picked to be on the football team is one of my fondest memories of that time. I remember laughing at the jokes in the movie,some I think my mom was slightly embarrassed that I got the joke at the time. The group of us who were there watching that afternoon, had such a good time that when I think about how sometimes an illness like the chicken pox could be not a pleasant one, this was.

So, years later I'm watching free HBO on the satellite and Forrest Gump is on. I had only seen bits and pieces of it from that moment I described earlier and I ended up watching it again. This time, the music of the movie sunk me in. The film has an amazing soundtrack. The memory I'm recalling for this was when Forrest is going through the rainy jungles of Vietnam and all the music thrown in there made me want to explore my classic rock roots and find the amazing music from previous generations that I hold dear today.

I must admit, that this movie makes me cry every single time I watch it. I have several films on this list that do that. The love that Jenny and Forrest have, the fact that he never gives up on her despite all the bullshit he puts her through, is quite beautiful to me. I think of some relationships I have with females from the past that I talk to on occasion. Its almost Jenny like for some of them, they've hit rock bottom and they need a steady to come talk to. We talk for a while, they get their bearings on whatever situation and away they go again. Sometimes we don't talk for years, but they come back and we do the same dance over and over again. In the movie, she leaves him several times, and he just calmly goes back to his life doing his own thing awaiting for her to return. I do that too. 

Its also special to me, that Jenny and Forrest are friends before anything romantically happens. That's a big thing I work on in a relationship. If there's no friendship there, what do you base your romantic relationship on? 

Just thoughts I think about when I watch this movie.

While it maybe #5 on this list, I often say that if you put a gun to my head and ask me what my favorite movie is. I'll say this one. 

And, that's all I got to say about that.


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