Ah, it's good to be back again with Thursday Night Thinking! And what could be more appropriate for this week than a classic Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen cover?

January 2011, Milan

From my archive, Fall 2008

Occasionally I'll read a comic that -- for one reason or another -- really hits me. By that I mean that the comic gets into my head. I can't stop thinking about it. I read it over and over. Then I read it again. This week, that comic was Wonder Woman #609.

I've actually been looking forward to this issue for a month, ever since the Doctor Psycho reveal at the end. Doctor Psycho is one of those characters that once upon a time I never would have given much thought to. Then Gail Simone got hold of him during the old Villains United story and turned him into an interesting character. She has a tendency to do that.

I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting from this issue. But in my opinion Phil Hester (I don't think there's much Straczynski left) created something really special with this story. He's taken the character of Doctor Psycho to another, fascinating level. And he's done even more with Wonder Woman.

I will admit that sometimes I'm not very good at explaining what I like about a given comic. But this one has it. It has that something special that makes a comic more than just ordinary. That beautiful combination of word and image that can only be accomplished in the medium of comics.

Hopefully after this is all over Phil Hester will stay around. Because as much as I've come to enjoy it (and I'm as surprised about that as anyone) Diana's odyssey has to come to an end sometime. As Edgar says, she must become Wonder Woman.

There are other little treats hidden in Wonder Woman #609 as well. Diana Prince. "The music of a distant parade." Everything just comes together. And it reminds why I like comics. And why I love Wonder Woman.

Slim Jeans

Hipster Jeans

Asleep or working… I need to get shit done.

Lately it seems like I am either asleep or at work. I can’t shake the feeling of being lived. I have a total lack of energy and to a large extend I can’t find the willpower to do the things that need doing. For instance because of our purchase of a sony photo camera we can make a photo album for free, this is a two to three hour job which has been sitting there waiting for more than two months. I still have to scan in the tattoo designs I made two months ago for my ex-brother-in-law. But my inaction also reflects on my health, I am gaining weight and my blood glucose can not be benefitting from this. And so I find myself in this downward spiral which I find very hard to break. Especially now with the daylight saving shit stealing an hour of weekend from me.

I am hoping the lengthening of days and the rise in temperature will slow the decline so I can once again gain some control and be able to get shit done.

I want to congratulate Ixani beauty, wellness and new age shop, with her one year anniversary.

So todays’ card

The Sun

The sun is a card which is usually considered to be a good sign. It represents hope, joy and vitality. Summer, light and warmth indicate a better period in life or a brighter state of consciousness. There is always the warning that the sun can also scorch or cause drought, blister the skin and ruin crops. Too much of a good thing can be even worse than the lack of it.

Hey Kiddies!

So I get an email from a gentleman with an interesting idea: He wants to make book covers for his favorite entries in TR's recent Inappropriate Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books For Lil' Nerds Contest. I received the honor of being his first subject. He sent me his vision of my entry's cover, and asked if he could go ahead and put it up on Deviantart. Naturally, I was delighted to grant him permission, and asked only that I be able to post the pic here for you folks. AND that he send me his future works.

Thus, TTOS presents its newest feature: CREEPY UNCLE SCOOT'S BOOKS 4 BRATS!!

Here's the first marvelous piece of children's literature to get Uncle Scoot's seal of approval:

Adorable, eh? Remember children: Read a book every day--Or the Old Ones will feast upon your soul!

This marvelous piece of art is the creation of one Matthew Vimislik. For more of his work, check out his website

Uncle Scoot

The other big news from last week? Amy Adams has been cast as Lois Lane.

Now I'll level with you: I've never seen a movie with Ms. Adams in it. I don't get to see a lot of movies at the best of times and I imagine that a number of her movies came out when I was in Japan. I almost never went to the movies there.

Ms. Adams is clearly a "real" actor, however. She's been nominated for some Oscars as I understand it. Now, that may not really mean anything but it should count for something.

She also doesn't look too young -- a problem I had with Kate Bosworth (among others). In fact, at thirty-six she's actually older than twenty-eight year old Henry Cavill. This also does not bother me. Indeed, I'm of the opinion that Lois Lane should be older than Clark Kent. She's an established reporter by the time Superman shows up.

If things keep trending the way they have been this Superman movie could turn into something great. Here's hoping...


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