Video Games

Hello Peoples!

This is Debbie Mnemonic--she's a Ninja! :)

Seriously, she's the new TTOS contributor who composed the thoroughly entertaining article below. Oh, and just in case any one's confused--that's not an actual picture of her. I'll wait until she feels comfortable enough with you folks to grace you with her image.

Deb is unique among my contributors: She actually knows me in the Physical World!

Yep! She can confirm that Scooter does indeed exist!

In fact, she actually knew me long before Scooter came to be, back in the Dark Ages when I was no more than a mild mannered, unassuming sci-fi geek and occasional LARPer...Before I discovered the joys of the Internet and Scooter Arteides was born.

So, you folks have the unique opportunity, if you're at all curious, to find out what I'm like IRL from a qualified source...Lucky You!

Anyway, I'm sure Debbie will make a fine crewmember aboard my virtual ship of fools. As you can see in the piece below, she's interested in focusing on the most awesomely bad music and video of that miserable decade known as the 1990s, but I'm sure she'll have other material to share.

Welcome aboard, Deb! May Crom have mercy on your soul!


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