Video Games
I've managed to find myself a pristine copy of Unirally (Uniracers in other regions), and the box, the instruction manual (which is incredibly funny for its' time), and even the course maps poster are all in fantastic condition, and opening the package it came in reminded me of the first time I bought a copy of the game back in 1994, and, for other reasons apart from purchasing a great SNES game for $50 when the going rate for Super Nintendo games in Australia was either $99.95 or $120, was one of the greatest days of my life. After the jump, I'll mention my plans for the game, and beg you all to prove how much better you are at judging the quality of games than I am.

As mentioned in the original 'SNES Me Up' post (found here:, I asked for recommendations of games I should be playing (of which you provided none) and I also asked if you'd like me to review them (which no one answered) so, in short, fuck you; I'm gonna review Unirally/racers, and you'll read it and, by God, you'll like it. (You won't.)
Anyway, I'm still open to suggestions, and if I get none, after the Unirally review I'll keep reviewing the worst SNES games I can find until you suggest something decent. (You won't; you'll ignore my reviews and forget I exist, and I'll be suicidal for a time, then discover joy in living an avant-garde life as the most ignored and marginalized man in history, using my pathetic life as a source of humor, because I'll find it hilarious that my life continues to get even worse than anyone could have ever envisioned!) Uh... I'm just going to find a corner and cry in it so as not to shame you with my tears....

Okay, I'm back, and happy, because I'm just bursting at the seams with crack-cocaine induced joy! But for reals, the Unirally review (henceforth I'll be referring to it as that, as it's the title of the PAL version which I'll be reviewing) should be up soon, and I'll try to bring something a little different to the table, as there are God knows how many sites dedicated to reviewing games from the golden era already. I hope you guys enjoy it, and I hope to hear from you regarding games I should take a look at. If that doesn't happen, then I'll review the games that had the biggest impact on me personally, and why, maybe due to where I was at that point in my life or some such other reason beyond just the quality of the game.
Good to speak to you all, and I hope I can produce something enjoyable for you all. Peace out.


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