That filthy hack "Professor" Expert is at it again over at the 52 site. But I won't give him satisfaction by linking to his "advice column." Though I will say that he's gone a step too far: now he's taking aim at supervillains.

He wasn't so bold in standing up against supervillainy back when Doctor Domino and I were stripping him nude and hanging him from the flagpole in the quad. (ah, college life!) And if that seems childish to you, remember that Domino and I are actually supervillains. (and we actually have doctorates as well!)

Besides, what's this talk of "accepting mad brilliance"? As if Expert would know mad brilliance! Ha! I know mad brilliance! I've played poker with Black Manta! I've teamed with Lex Luthor! Hell, I even dated Emerald Empress for awhile (don't even ask how that worked).

My point is that Expert is a loser. And I won't stop until everyone -- I'm looking at you, DiDio -- recognizes my superior skills at advice columning. And everything else.


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