Well, my search for an actual job has begun in earnest. However, even armed with a recommendation letter written from Alfred Pennyworth, it's not going well.

Taking the advice from readers here I decided to try the food service industry. Specifically, barbeque. I applied at the local Rib Shack. Though they said my experience was lacking, I had the prerequisite references (thanks again, Alfred!).

I started in the kitchen right away. At first, it was going very. I can slice and burn with the best of them. And really, what else is there to BBQ?

Then things started going wrong.

All the rest of the guys in the kitchen started swearing. Really rough talk. I don't like swearing. Then they took it a step further. They were taking the Lord's name in vain. So what in the name of St. Dumas could I do?

I excused myself to the restroom where I retrieved my costume. After putting it on I did the only thing possible: I burned the Rib Shack to the ground.

As I left behind the smoldering, hickory scented ruins I thought to myself: I'll try retail next.


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