Am I the only one out there who doesn't particularly care for the Great Ten? I mean, they're interesting enough I suppose, but the news that they're getting a series (a mini, I assume) leaves me cold. Very cold.

The idea, I think, is superb. There need to be more than simply American super-heroes. And when there are international super-heroes they need to be better than token characters based on American stereotypes about that country. So I'm all for the idea of the Great Ten.

But there's something about them that makes me leery. It's as if they tried too hard to make them "cool." And it seems to me that they worked really hard to make them "Chinese." And for some reason it seems vaguely offensive to me. I mean, I'm not Chinese, so I've got no leg to stand on here. But they just seem a little over the top.

And of course, there's the fact that the Great Ten are a government sponsored super-team. Which is all well and good. Many countries have them, after all. But these characters are still lapdogs for a brutal authoritarian regime. And the fact that they're getting their own series makes me a little unsettles me (I don't recall any Soviet super-team ever getting themselves a mini-series).

Of course, in the end, this is just me being stupid. I'm sure all you readers out there can poke holes in what I'm saying. But like others, I sometimes hold on tightly to ideas and opinions even though I know they're insane.

And I do not like the Great Ten.


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