Devon over at Seven Hells! pointed me to this post over at Those Wednesdays. The author did most of the work I've been meaning to do for awhile regarding the "Big Plan" that DC's had since Dan DiDio came on board. He did a very good job, so go read that and then come back here.

Done? Okay. Then let's get to the point where I try to fill in some of the blanks. Where I pull out the little strands that I've noticed and try to figure out who the real villains behind the scenes are. And if I'm right, then it is leading into the biggest thing to hit the DCU in like, forever.

We know that Darkseid and the Fourth World are involved. We know that they all are going to play a big role. But we also know that they aren't the end all be all of what's happening. In the above linked post Ben makes a reference to Superman #654 where Bruno Mannheim has been transformed. Mannheim says: "It’s not Darkseid. Not even close. You don’t know what they put me through. What they did to me. And now that I've failed them again..."

So it seems that someone bigger than Darksied -- or more precisely multiple someones -- are manipulating things behind the scenes. This is further evidenced over in Ion #10 where Kyle and Donna meet up a with a bunch of Qwardians. Apparently they've fled the Anti-Matter Universe and taken refuge in the regular universe. Seems that a group (the plural is used) of beings more powerful than the anti-matter equivalent of the Guardians of the Universe have driven the Qwardians from their home dimension.

Then there's the Sinestro Corps. Geoff Johns mentioned in an interview (I don't recall where) that there is a group fronting them the way the Guardians front the Green Lantern Corps. We know it can't be the Qwardians. They've already been chased out of their old stomping rounds.

So. Anti-Matter Universe? Beings as powerful as/more powerful than Darkseid? Who could they be? You may see where I'm going, but if not, let's examine that final (or rather the first) piece of the puzzle: Brave New World. The first DC 80 page special kicked off the first act. The second obviously kicks off the second. And in Brave New World we are introduced to a whole slew of Monitors.

Once there was the Monitor. But he did not exist alone. There also was the Anti-Monitor. Now there are Monitors. Do you really think they are alone?


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