It should come as no surprise to the lot of you that I am an incredible geek. Whether its my comics or my gaming or whatever. I tend to take it pretty seriously. And though this particular blog is supposed to be about comics, I need to take a little tangent here. I'm a little bit rattled, you see.

When I say I take these things seriously, I mean it. One of the things about comics that I love is the shared universe that grows and changes as things go on. I get to know the characters, and I like them (or hate them) based on what I see. And I do it with passion.

This passion, of course, extends to other areas as well. Whether it's the death of a beloved Dungeons & Dragons character or the tear-inducing ending to Final Fantasy IX. I take it very seriously. Because it's about the characters.

So it should ccome as no surprise that I sometimes take things too seriously. I won't bore you with the story of how I couldn't sleep for days after seeing the series finale of Xena: Warrior Princess (yes, I am that big of a geek).

Anyway, I'm taking something fictional a little too seriously now, and I need to vent some of my frustration. That's what blogs are for, right? To talk about the things that you have on your mind. Heck, if Kalinara can spend a day talking about German fairytales, I can talk about the anime that's got me rattled.

Hey, I said I was a geek. Besides, I live in Japan. That sort of thing is allowed here. Just take it as an opportunity to get a glimpse into the inner workings of my twisted mind. Now, this post about nothing is getting long. Let's wrap it up.

So we've got someone trying the best to do what is right. But his dangerous power is out of his control. And because of it a good person -- a very good person -- has been made a monster against her will. And thousands have died. Because of what she did. And I'm all shook up over it. Even though I know -- I know -- that none of these people are real.

But that doesn't stop me from caring. What does that say about me?


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