I find the whole "DiDio has a vendetta against the Giffen Justice League" idea a little silly. I mean, has anyone actually taken a good hard look at what most of the characters are doing now? Sure, some of them are dead. But how did the end up that way?

Sue Dibny: Was murdered by Ray Palmer's nutty ex-wife.

Ralph Dibny: Was a major player in the biggest DC event ever. Went out with one hell of a bang, outsmarting the freakin' Devil in the process. Well played, Mr. Dibny.

Blue Beete: Was shot in the head by Max Lord, which kicked off the countdown to Infinite Crisis.

Max Lord: Shot Blue Beetle in the head, then got his head twisted around by Wonder Woman.

Guy Gardner: Is currently headlining an ongoing series.

Booster God: Is a major player in the biggest DC event ever. Is slated to headline an ongoing series after that event comes to a close.

Fire: Is a major supporting character in an ongoing series.

Captain Atom: Is shaping up to be an extremely pivotal character in the things that DC has planned.

Martian Manhunter: Just wrapped up a solo miniseries.

Batman: Is still the goddamn Batman.

So yeah, it seems to me that the vast majority of the Giffen League is making out pretty well. I mean, they're getting more play now than they were before Dan DiDio started running the show.

Am I forgetting anyone?


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