I'm tired of spending my weekends patrolling in the rain and watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU. I need to get out more. Be around people. I need to get me a girlfriend.

I'll admit that I've never had much luck with women. I mean, I'm twenty-seven for Saint Dumas' sake. And you know how many girlfriends I've had in that time? Let's just say I can count them all on one hand. And that's when I'm wearing my three-finger gauntlets...

But I've spent enough time moping about it. I need to get out there. There are hundreds of unattached ladies in the DCU. Many of whom are super-heroines. So, in the spirit of last year's epic job hunt I'm asking my faithful readers for help.

So, who do you think I would get along well with? And more importantly, do you know of any girls in the DCU who would actually be willing to go out on a date with me? I understand that I'm not exactly Hal Jordan, but I do have some reedeming qualities...

What do you think?


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