Not long ago I asked some of the readers for relationship advice. I'm sure you can gather how well that's going from the title of this post.

As one faithful reader suggested, I tried getting in touch with Supergirl. I mean, she's a member of the Superman Family! That's like royalty in the DCU! She didn't return my call. But I did get an "arms crossed hovering outside the window looking stern" visit from a certain fellow in blue tights.

So it looks like I'm not going to be seeing Supergirl any time soon. But I'm actually happy about that. You know she's only seventeen? I'm not a sicko or anything.

Anyway, I've left several messages with Barbara (unlike some, she occasionally answers my calls). From what I've gathered she used to go to college with this "Spy Smasher." If they're still on good terms, she might be able to set us up. I'm crossing my fingers...


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