So... Ah... Right...

Did you read the latest Manhunter? I'm not really sure... I don't know how I should feel about this and all. I mean, I know I should be happy they uncancelled the book again. But there's the whole... You know... With the replacement thing...

I mean, I knew it was going to happen eventually. I couldn't possibly just wait around until someone decided to bring me back out of limbo. Right? Right? Right? I should be happy that the name is getting out there. Sure, it's not the Azrael. But it's... Ah... It's something.

Oh, who am I kidding? Know that I am royally pissed off about this whole thing. And if you think I'm going to give up my costume and name just because some other guy's taken it over, well... You've got another thing coming.

That's right! I am Azrael. I am the avenging angel of the Order of St. Dumas! And don't let anyone tell you different!


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