As most of you know, I am a religious person. And though the Order of Saint Dumas does recognize a lot of questionable theology, at its core it's just extra wacky Catholicism.

Which means that today I am celebrating Easter. Easter is one of those holidays that all too often slips through the cracks of mainstream consciousness. And when it does get play, it's usually about chocolate bunnies and those tasty little marshmallow chicks.

But the truth is that Easter is by far the most important festival in my religion. Christmas, of course, is flashier. But Easter is about the key theological concept that Christianity is hinged upon: the Resurrection.

Now you might think that in a world where everyone from Superman to Green Arrow has come back from the dead Easter would have less significance. But I don't believe that. Superman will die. So will all the rest of us. But in my religion, Jesus Christ was dead, and then alive. And He's still alive. And He will be forever.

Even Saint Dumas couldn't pull that trick off.

For those of you of other religions -- or those who are not religious at all -- I apologize for discussing such an issue. But even with the brainwashing and the genetic engineering and the monkey juice, my faith is a very important part of who I am.

So to all of you -- whether you believe or not -- Happy Easter.


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