I find myself ever so mildly amused by Marvel's upcoming "Secret Invasion." As is often the case with the fool who inhabit Earth-616, there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

"Oh!" they cry. "How ever will I know whether or not this person is a Skrull?" It seems to me that the answer is obvious: kill them all.

It is my understanding that the only way to tell whether or not someone is a Skrull is to kill them. Very well. Then please, do proceed to kill everyone you see. Not only will this solve the problem of the "Secret Invasion," but it will also solve the greater problem of the Marvel Universe: the fact that the Marvel Universe is full of whining fools.

Be assured, my loyal readers: Earth-616 would be a better place if it were uninhabited. And once it's empty we can solve one of our problems by sending all the Rannies there. Win win, people.


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