The Order of St. Dumas was mentioned in this past week's Detective Comics. It was a brief mention only, and You-Know-Who tried to laugh it off by making some references to some "Order of the Pure."

Let me tell you, there's nothing pure about the Order of St. Dumas. And if you don't believe me check out what Scott has to say about them over at Polite Dissent. According to Scott, not only is the method for creating Azraels twisted and evil, it's also completely scientifically unfeasible. And Scott would know, because he's a doctor.

So yeah, my secret origin is that I was grown in a glass jar full of monkey juice. And people wonder why I'm crazy.

In lighter news, the good Scipio has provided me with an image of my latest HeroClix figure. It's a convention exclusive figure, and as Scipio says, that's a high honor. It's a beautiful sculpt, but honestly... What in the name of St. Dumas was I thinking with that costume?


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