My time spent playing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney has made me realize that we need many, many more lawyer comics.

Manhunter returning is a good start. But it's not enough. We need more characters like the Red Bee, a district attorney who fought crime with trained bees while wearing diaphanous sleeves. But more than anything we need revival of DC's old Mr. District Attorney comic.

I believe that Mr. District Attorney was based on an old radio show. But the main point still stands: Mr. District Attorney is an awesome name for a comic book. The title character wouldn't have any powers... Or another real name. He would simply be an amazing attorney somewhere in the DC Universe who uses the astonishing power of the Law to destroy all evil in his jurisdiction.

Can you imagine the heady drama as Mr. District Attorney goes head to head with Lex Luthor's Lawyers? It would be far more exciting than even the best episode of Law & Order. Because sometimes the defense attorneys would have sinister super-powers.

Courtroom drama is one of those things that Americans seem to find intrinsically exciting. But it is a genre not often enough mined in the world of comics -- and specifically super-hero comics. In comics, we need more lawyers.


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