As you well know, Geoff Johns is retelling Hal Jordan's origin. Again. This isn't the first time that Hal's origin has been retold. Or the second. Or even the third. But this version is probably going to be a little different from the previous version.

Specifically, it'll be full of retcons! We all know how much Geoff Johns loves retroactive continuity. So the heart of this "Secret Origin" is probably going to be a lot of things that we actually don't know about Hal -- because they never happened before.

There will undoubtedly be a tightening up of the friendship between Sinestro and Hal, as Johns has really been playing that up. For me, that friendship just reiterates what an idiot Hal Jordan really is. I mean, jeeze... How bad of an idea is it to become friends with a guy named "Sinestro"? I don't know anybody named "Evilor" or " Doomerina." But if I did, I wouldn't make an effort to become friends with them...


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