Bonjour Friends! I just wanted to tell you about one of the most amazing bloggers and her fabulous shop! You have all probably already heard of Lynn over at the Paris Hotel Boutique Journal but I just had to do a post on her beautiful shop and inspiring blog. For those of you have not yet been to visit her, I highly recommend it, her blog is exquisite.

Reading Lynn's blog Paris Hotel Boutique Journal is a fantastic break from my daily grind! Her posts are always fascinating and full of eye~candy. P.S. I am in LOVE with this map!

I swear she has some of the most amazing collections and they are so unique! I have found myself on more than one occasion delving deep into a new passion! For example she recently posted a pic of some trophy ribbons and I am now addicted to finding them! We share so many of the same interests that it is hard to go to her boutique online, Paris Hotel Boutique, and not want to purchase everything!

My favorites are always her posts on estate sales and her finds and also the amazing books she has in her collection. It is truly a slice of heaven looking through the books she has available. I want to travel to San Francisco just to shop with her!

This vintage dog collar caught my eye the first time I saw it and it's haunting me. What a fun and quirky and yet chic item ! I want one for my little Daisy.

Not only does Lynn do the most amazing posts but she is so sweet and genuine as well. I truly treasure her friendship in this blog world!

Her extensive collection of fine Hotel silver and China is breathtaking. I saw about a dozen things that I wanted.

Cecil Beaton is one of my faves and Lynn always delivers the greats. Her eye is remarkable and her taste is flawless. I have to try not to click on the art gallery section of her Boutique because I want it all. It's just fascinating.

I look forward to each and every post from Lynn and get very excited when her blog comes up on my updates section. I enjoy perusing through her Boutique and her archives on her blog. She has the greatest finds! I hope you enjoy discovering new things and becoming friends with her as much as I have!
Until next time!


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